6 Tips for Naming Your Teas

The name of a tea is crucial for its success on the market. We offer recommendations and strategies to create an effective name that stands out.
tea naming

Can you double or triple the sales of a product just by changing its name? The short answer is yes!

It’s not the only factor for your tea’s success, but the right name directly impacts consumers’ perception.

We have conducted numerous tests over the past 10 years, and some results have been surprising.

We reveal in this post the methodology to find great names for our teas and how you can apply the same strategies to your business.

These tips are useful for both tea shops and product brands.

The positive effect of changing a tea's name

Amour provence

Experience is the best teacher in the marketing world, and nothing illustrates this principle better than a real-life example.

Years ago, we created an infusion called “Rosemary – Thyme – Lemon”. At the time we thought it was a great name: clear and descriptive of its flavour.

Moreover, it was delicious!

As for the sales… they weren’t bad, but they weren’t the best either. After 5 years, it reached the 26th position in our top sales of herbal infusions in France and Belgium.

In 2017, we changed its name to “Amour Provence”. But we didn’t expect what happened next.

In just one year, our 26th top seller became number 1 in the herbal infusions category. The recipe didn’t change, nor did the price. The only secret ingredient for this success was giving a great recipe the right name.

Then we understood that, even as a B2B supplier, the product name can significantly impact its sales performance.

Product name: the icing on the cake for a delicious recipe

At first glance, naming a tea seems quite simple. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The stages of product creation, or selection for a store, involve answering the following questions:

  • What do my customers want?
  • What ingredients should I use?
  • How should I communicate the advantages of this product?
  • What packaging is most suitable?
  • What images should I use? What colours?…
  • Until the final question arrives: How should I name it?

We want to help you, using our experience, to answer this last crucial question for the success of your product.

No matter how good your recipe is. If it doesn't have an attractive name for your consumers, they may never try it.

Ready? Here are our tips:

1 - A shorter name is better

It is said that good things, when short, are twice as good. Here are several reasons why it’s better to use a short name:

  • It’s easier to remember
  • It avoids problems when writing it on labels
  • it’s easier to find in your online store or on the internet

Moreover, a short name facilitates cross-branding. Suppose you plan to expand your product line. In that case, a short and adaptable name can serve as a foundation for a series of related products, maintaining brand consistency that consumers can recognise.

2 - Coherent with your brand concept

It is very important that, under no circumstances, the chosen name contradicts the principles by which your brand is governed.

Likewise, think about your brand’s target audience. A name that resonates with your potential consumers is more likely to catch their attention. It’s not the same to sell to a young and less experienced audience as to experienced drinkers who love tradition.

3 - Cultural and linguistic research

Conduct a cultural and linguistic research. Make sure the name doesn’t have negative meanings in other languages or cultures, especially if you plan to market your tea internationally.

What may seem like an excellent name in one country could be completely the opposite in others: from absurd to offensive.

4 - Easy to pronounce and spell

Imagine your customers walking into your store and asking for this tea. Will they be able to pronounce it easily after seeing it written?

In the case of online sales, will they know how to search for it in your store or on Google after hearing its name?

This is why we advise you to look for a name that is easy to pronounce and spell.

5 - Be different. Be original.

Often, tea names are very similar to each other. This results in them being completely unnoticed on the market.

That said, there are exceptions to this rule. Origin teas, or classic recipes like Earl Grey or Chai, should keep their original names. Remember that your customers already know them as such and selling classic recipes under another name can cause more rejection and confusion than a purchase desire.

6 - Protect it when necessary

register name

This advice is optional, but it can be important to consider depending on the size of your tea business.

To do this, the questions you should ask yourself are:

  • Is it allowed to use the name “X”?
  • Is it free of rights to use it commercially?
  • Can it be registered as a trademark?

Whether it’s allowed or not depends on the current legislation of each country. To know if the name you chose is available, you should consult a lawyer or check your country’s trademark and patent registry.

We advise you to consult the WIPO database. It is a free online portal where you can check all registered trade names and trademarks worldwide under several categories.


To become a top seller, two main factors are involved: quality and name.

A good recipe, with a bad name, has a high probability of being a failure on the market.
To choose the perfect name, think about how it will resonate with your audience, having no negative connotations, and not being a registered property.

In the end, a powerful name can be the boost you need to stand out in an increasingly competitive market.


Alveus Blog Team

Editorial team formed by tea professionals from different countries. We are driven by our passion for tea and the dissemination of its culture.

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